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Student Testimonials

Page history last edited by kate.stockton@esc.edu` 11 years, 8 months ago


..extremely helpful for new students, providing a great map for the abundant resources empire offers.
..nice for new students to get acustomed to the differences with scheduling and networking at empire, as compared with other colleges.


I am pleased to write this letter on behalf of Kate Stockton of Empire State College. I took Kate’s class, Enhancing the Academic Eye during my first semester with Empire State College. At the time I had been out of college for about 15 years and was very apprehensive about returning to college. I was not a strong writer and also had spent several years with writing experience in the military. My mentor suggested Kate’s class enhancing the Enhancing the Academic Eye would be a great fit for my needs and help me adjust back to college style of writing.

I found Kate’s class to be a great learning environment. Kate is a very good teacher who is passionate about her students’ performance. Kate does an amazing job of identifying your learning style. Kate also keeps the course flexible enough to challenge each student individually per their learning level and retention of material covered.

Returning to college I was amazed at all the resources that are now available through online resources. In my opinion, Kate’s class is designed to show you all the resources we have available at Empire State College. Had I not attended her class, I would not be aware of all the tools we have available to assist with research, writing and educational planning.

I would recommend Kate Stockton’s class for any incoming student or student who is looking for an edge with their writing abilities. Enhancing the Academic Eye has been one of my favorite classes I have taken. I struggle with college writing and this class has helped me find the resources I need to be successful.

Without any hesitation, I proudly recommend Kate Stockton’s Enhancing the Academic Eye class.

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