
Technology and Other Resources

Page history last edited by kate.stockton@esc.edu` 12 years, 10 months ago

This class will meet via Elluminate: http://www.bit.ly/NECworkshops


1. Have students create KWL charts regarding their technology skills (we will have a group KWL chart that everyone can add to while people are logging on)

2. What are your Academic Help go to websites?  We will create a class page to add to our course website

3. Group Brainstorming Session

     This is how it will work:

     - Each student will open up a blank word document, use this as an example of how to name it: KStocktonGroupBrainstorm.doc

     - The instructor will go over directions on how to present your ideas and the order of who will present

     - Each student will present their ideas, point out their favorite ideas, and then pose any specific questions or feedback they wish to receive

          for example:

          "My ideas revolve around creating a class that ESC students could take to make them better students.  Some of the topics I was thinking of covering are brainstorming, mindmapping, critical thinking, technology, writing, using the library and research.  I want the class to be helpful, and I want it to be challenging.  Which of the topics that I listed do you think are the most helpful (if you had to choose only 2 of them) and what other ideas do you have for topics that I could cover?"

          So, for my example - I have presented a pretty clear topic area and my goals for the presentation.  But I have also given options and asked for some feedback on specific areas.  Don't be afraid to use open-ended questions but try to ask questions that will help you gain valuable feedback that you can use to improve your presentation.


Here is the order for the proposal presentations tomorrow:


1. Mike will present - Feedback order: Danielle, Reggie, Linda, Kate

2. Danielle will present - Feedback order: Reggie, Linda, Kate, Mike

3. Reggie will present - Feedback order: Linda, Kate, Mike, Danielle

4. Linda will present - Feedback order: Kate, Mike, Danielle, Reggie

5. Kate will present - feedback order: Mike, Danielle, Reggie, Linda




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