
Library and Research Skills

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on February 10, 2012 at 12:09:47 pm

Successful students understand how to access and use library and research skills.  Students come to Empire State College with a wide range of experience and skills in using library databases and other information resources.  For that reason it is essential that students take an information skills tutorial in order to ensure they are familiar with these skills and terms. 


Please access the Information Skills Tutorial here:




Using the Online Library (geared to CHS students, but can be generally applied to any AOS): http://youtu.be/2F50lBusBb8

Developing a Research Question: http://tinyurl.com/escnarrowtopic

How to Create a Search from your Topic (video tutorial): http://youtu.be/gT3BZgwyahI

Peer Review in Five Minutes (video tutorial): http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/tutorials/pr/

Anatomy of a Scholarly Article (interactive tutorial): http://links.esc.edu/go?id=11042

Many other tutorials in our "How To's" section:




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