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Journal 2 - Time Management Assignment

Page history last edited by kate.stockton@esc.edu` 12 years, 2 months ago

Make sure you follow these guidelines for all Journal Assignments


1. Construct a mindmap or flowchart for the topic "Time Management" (you may need to do a rough brainstorm list first)


Here are some ideas: (in no order, just to get you started)


System,Technology, Apps, Tasks, Prioritize, Calendar, Planners, Wall Calendar, To Do Lists, Multiple calendars (family, school, work, etc.), Solutions, Obstacles, Timer, Self-Management, Organization


2. Using your mindmap, flowchart and/or brainstorm list, write about your own time management. 


Consider the following:

- what are your obstacles?

- what are some ideas for solutions?

- what are your time management goals? 



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