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My Experience with Research Paper

Page history last edited by kate.stockton@esc.edu` 13 years, 7 months ago

For this last assignment you will need to submit:


- a 3-5 page paper that addresses the process of researching your topic

- a works cited page of your 3 best sources (MLA format - http://bcs.bedfordstmartins.com/resdoc5e/RES5e_ch08_s1-0011.html)

- a sample of your pre-writing exercise (brainstorm, mindmap, other idea lists)

- an organized outline of how you would write your paper



     To complete the initial phases of researching a topic (completing pre-writing exercises, using online library, keeping track of sources, evaluating sources, organizing the content)

     * You will write about the process of researching your topic.  You should NOT write the actual research paper!!!  Students who end up focusing too much on the research TOPIC and not the PROCESS OF RESEARCH will be asked to rewrite the paper.



     * The research question you are addressing and your position/thesis on this issue


     * The research process you used - what databases (ProQuest, EBSCO, etc) or books you used and chronicle the highs and lows of the research process - what worked, what didn't

     * Pick 3 sources (advanced level) or 2 sources (introductory level) from your research and discuss why you would choose those sources would be beneficial to your research paper    

     * Critique of your own research skills before, during and after you have completed the research part of the paper.


* What did you learn about your topic and how to formulate a good research supported thesis. 

* Draw conclusions about how easy/hard doing academic research is for you and what you anticipate will be your research needs will be in future terms based on what you learned on your exploration of your learning style and actually experiencing a research proess -- this can also include topics for future studies, librarian/database support, strategies, etc. 


You may choose one of the topics below:

(you may also choose to pick a topic that of your interest)





Insider Trading



Prescription Drug Advertising



ACLU - Good or Bad for America?



Health Care



Alternative Energy



Should Prostitution be Legal?









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