
Academic Research, Reading and Writing

Page history last edited by Lisa 8 years, 11 months ago


We will use the assignment calculator:







Academic Research, Reading & Writing

(formerly titled Enhancing the Academic Eye)




The purpose of this study is to sharpen students’ abilities to read, research, think, and communicate effectively and critically in academic contexts through writing and other formats of presentation (PowerPoint & Public Speaking). The focus of the course will also include academic reading and information literacy research strategies applied to a term long project. Movement from basic to more advanced development of both the mindset and skill set needed to think critically and engage in sophisticated analysis of issues are the key desired learner outcomes of the study. Students will complete a term long academic research project on a topic of their choice. The project will focus on an academic area that is specific for the student's individual needs and interests. Skills such as critical thinking, writing, time management, public speaking, academic research, peer collaboration and portfolio compilation will be incorporated into the project through various assignments.




Textbook - 

Nosich, G. M. (2012) Learning to Think Things Through.(4th Edition)  Boston: Pearson. 

(ISBN-13 978-013-708514-9)


www.Gettextbooks.com provides a comparative listing of textbook prices by ISBN #. This book is not listed in the college's bookstore. 


All other materials for the course will be available via links and downloadable documents send either via e-mail from the instructor and/or in an online forum.  Students will be asked to actively engage in using these resources to expand their understanding of their academic studying strategies; learning styles; goal setting; perspectives on success/failure; organization; and research skills. Students will also be asked to apply strategies to their other academic coursework and to engage in academic research.



Students can expect to gain and improve key skills that will help them academically, professionally and personally. The course is designed to focus one or more student chosen skill(s) and will incorporate specific skills such as time management, project management, organization, writing, critical thinking, decision making, goal setting, library research, and reading strategies.




Reflection Journal - The format of the journal might be a word document or Advanced Forum/Discussion Postsin Moodle depending upon the number of students enrolled in a single term. The instructor will go over the criteria in the first meeting with the student.  


Term Long Project – Topics will be chosen during the first study group through a series of activities.  Students will engage in various steps in project management on their chosen topics.  

A. Written Proposal –The proposal will include any initial ideas for their presentation activities, research needs, etc. organized in a 2-4 page paper.

B. Reading and Research Experience Paper - For this assignment students will need to log into the ESC online library (www.esc.edu/library) and find 3 articles related to your project.  In a 2-4 page paper, discuss the process of finding, choosing and reading (using some of the strategies we learned in class) these articles. 

C.  Project Management Plan – Students will submit a project management plan through the Research Project Calculator at https://rpc.elm4you.org/

D. Presentation – Each student will present on their chosen topic.  Presentations should be between 10-15 minutes and should include the use of PowerPoint, interactive activity and audience take away.

E. Self-Evaluation – Students will evaluate their own project including their presentation.

F. Final Project Portfolio will include all the previous elements of work along with peer and self-evaluations and future goals statement.

Participation Activities 

Academic Skills Workshops – All students will be required to attend 2 Academic Skills Workshops, preferably one in person and one online.  Workshop schedules will be made available at the first study group session.

Individual appointments/Study Group Meetings (if taking as a study group) – 

· Independent Study Students will meet individually with the instructor at least twice during the term. They will also be required to meet with one other member of the Academic Support Team (the Director of Academic Support, a Learning Coach or a Peer Coach).  All meetings should last approximately one hour.  The goals of these meetings will be discussed during the first appointment with the instructor. This appointment should happen by the second week of the term.

· Study Group Students – Students will be expected to attend all study group sessions and individual appointments as will be described in the first study group session.  




The student will be evaluated on the completion of all assignments and engagement in the learning process.  Evaluation will be based on the student’s ability to demonstrate a clear understanding of the assigned and researched materials.  All verbal and written activities will be evaluated by the instructor for their scope, content, and clarity of ideas.  Both written and verbal ideas must be focused and fully developed in order to achieve credit.  The student must demonstrate an ability to research using web-based and library resources. In order to get timely feedback and to fully engage in the learning process, assignments must be submitted in a timely manner throughout the term and not all at the end of the term.




Expectations for students – Students are expected to attend all participation activities and submit all assignments on time.  All assignments should be submitted via email with the exception of the final project which will need to be submitted in person (portfolio, printed in a well organized, well presented fashion).  Students are expected to email or call the instructor if they have any questions about assignments or the class in general.


Expectations for instructor – The instructor will return all assignments (turned in before or on the due date) with grade and feedback by the following study group meetings.  Any additional feedback will be presented at the student’s request.  Any assignments turned in late will be returned with grade and feedback within two study group meetings (up to four weeks) from actual submission date.  The instructor will respond to any emails within two business days.





General Information  Older Learning Contracts  Assignments  Calendar  Resources 

Course Description

Instructor Contact Information

Course Materials - Study Group

Course Materials - Independent Study 

Student Testimonials




Study Group, Adv. 4 credit - Fall 2013


Study Group, Adv. 4 credit - Spring 2013

Study Group, Adv. 4 credit - Fall 2012 


Independent Study, Intro 4 credit - Fall 2012

Independent Study, Adv 4 credit



Study Group - Fall 2013





Independent Study - Nov 2012

Independent Study - Jan 2013

Current Term Schedule

Fall 2013 - Latham SG

Independent Study

NEC Academic Support




Workshop Schedules 

Youtube Account





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